BORN Schenectady, New York 1949
EDUCATION The Boston Museum School of Fine Arts, The School of Visual Arts, University of Iowa
PUBLICATIONS Contributing Illustrator to The Franklin Mint Press
Contributing illustrator to The New York TimesOp Ed page1980-1996
PUBLICATIONS “Domestic Goddesses” Pomegranate Publishing, 1998 ISBN 0-7649-0687-9
GRANTS AND AWARDS Massachusetts Artist’s Foundation Fellowship 1999
Award of Excellence, Editorial Illustration (Illustration Annual ) 1984
Kurt Vonnegut Museum & Library , Essential workers September 2024
Cotuit Center for the Arts 2023
Kurt Vonnegut Museum & Library 2021
Kobalt Gallery, Provincetown MA (2021) ‘Anthropocene’
Kobalt Gallery, Provincetown MA (2020) ‘Essential Workers’
Foundling Gallery, Barnstable MA (2017) ‘The 100 Day Show’
Kobalt Gallery, Provincetown MA (2013)
The Cahoon Museum of American Art (2006) ‘Heavy Machinery, Weber Grills and Dainty Things’
Hamilton Gallery,Santa Monica CA (2003) ‘Majesty In The Mundane’
Pepper Gallery,Boston MA (1996) ‘Everyday Epiphanies’
Pepper Gallery, Boston MA ‘Women,Angels and Domestic Goddesses’ (1993)
The Cahoon Museum of American Art, “Modern Madonnas”, Cotuit,MA (1993)
Old Selectman Building Gallery, West Barnstable, MA (1991)
Sherburne Gallery, Nantucket, MA (1988)
David Brown Gallery, Provincetown, MA (1988)
Scargo Gallery, Dennis, MA (1986)
Central Falls Gallery, New York, NY ‘Angels in Dirty Places’ (1984)
Dan Turk Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (1983)
Central Falls Gallery, New York, NY (1982)
Central Falls Gallery, New York, NY (1979)
Central Falls Gallery, New York, NY (1978)
Dan Turk Gallery, Los Angeles, CA (1983)
Tower Gallery, South Hampton, NY (1980)
Greene Gallery, Watermill, NY (1977) 1997 - 2006
Julie Keyes Gallery, Sag Harbor, NY, Look at Me July 2024
The Brick Store Museum Kennebunk, Maine. “Art of Mending” June-Sept 2021
The Newport Art Museum November (2018) “Domestic Affairs,Identity & the Home
The Salon, Peabody Essex Museum April (2017)
Portland Maine Cultural Center, Creative Portland (2017)
Mexico City Mexico 108 Abraham Gonzalez, Luxe Lujo (2015)
DeCordova Museum, Lincoln MA (2005)
‘Pretty Sweet: The Sentimental Image in Contemporary Art’
Indianapolis Art Center, Indianapolis Indiana (2004)
‘TheVonnegut Family of Indianapolis: A legacy of Creativity’
Cahoon Museum of American Art, Cotuit, MA(2003)
‘From the Realms of Glory: Angels in American Art’
Cahoon Museum of American Art, CotuitMA (2002)
Higgins Art Gallery, West Barnstable,MA “Body of Work” (2001)
Higgins Art Gallery“Generations” (2000)
The New Art Center in Newton (1997)
‘David Brown Gallery Revisited’
Cole Pratt Gallery, New Orleans, LA (1995)
Pepper Gallery, ‘Unveiled Spirits’, Boston, MA (1994)
DNA Gallery, Provincetown, MA (1994)
Martin Molinary Gallery, NYC, NY (1992)
Provincetown Art Association and Museum (1992)
‘Icons to Domesticity’, Provincetown, MA
Higgins Art Gallery, West Barnstable, MA ‘Embodiments of Strength and Spirit’ (1992)
The Cahoon Museum of American Art, Cotuit, MA (1992-1991)
King Street Gallery, ‘Putti For Our Time’, NYC, NY (1984)
Erickson Gallery, ‘Animal Life, Contemporary Representations’, NYC, NY (1983)
Myriel Hiner Gallery, Omaha, NB (1981)1981 - 2005
SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY Lloyd, Ann Wilson, “Edith Vonnegut at Pepper”, Art in America, April 1994, pp. 130-131
Lloyd, Ann Wilson, “Angels, Goddesses & Edith Vonnegut”, Cape Cod Antiques & Arts, June 1988, pp. 15-16
Nickerson, Cindy, “Modern Madonnas with an Attitude”, Cape Cod Times, May 7, 1993, pp. C1-C3
Parcellin, Paul, “Edith Vonnegut/ Recent Paintings: Women, Angels, and Domestic Goddesses”, Art New England, 1993 December/ January 1994,p.53.
Stapen, Nancy, “Edith Vonnegut: Rubens Meets Real Life”, The Boston Globe, October 14, 1993, pp. 69,74-75.
Graham, Joan, “Edie Vonnegut: Painter and Author of “Domestic Goddesses”, CapeWomen 1999,Summer/Fall, pp. 50-51.
Stetson, Debi Boucher, “Domestic Goddesses review” CapeWomen, 1999, Summer pp. 46
Barbara Mahany, “It’s not women’s work-it’s goddess duty” Chicago Tribune, April 25, 1999, pp.1 section 13
Osmond, Susan Fegley, “Gallery,Goddesses of the Home” The World and I, November, 1994, pp.152-159.
Van Der Wende, Andre, “Beyond the Homefront” Cape Cod Times, July 23, 2006, pp. D4-D6
North, Melora North, “Hear me Roar,Edith Vonnegut depicts the strength of women through her art”” Cape Cod Magazine, June 2006, pp.81-83
Stetson, Debi Boucher, “Vonnegut’s ladies ride again” The Artful Voice, Summer, 2006, pp.13
Drake, Gillian, “A Renaissance Influence” Cape Arts Review, Volume VI, 2006, pp.31
Nickerson, Cindy, “Vonnegut heroines defend environment, Spyglass, A quarterly look at the Cahoon Museum of American Art, Spring 2006,pp.2-4
Wysocki, Heather, “The apron as battle gear”, The Barnstable Patriot, June 23, 2006, pp. C1-C2.